Version 2.61 (2020-11-03)

Important notices

The Cloud API will be removed 30 April 2021.

The Cloud API and all its endpoint have been announced deprecated during 2019. We now announce that it will be removed 30 April 2021. Please review your code to ensure you are not using the Cloud API. Kindly use Cloud REST API and Graph QL API instead.

“Last heard from” name change

The “Last heard from” / “Last heard” in App Board is renamed to “Last update” to ensure the timestamp better reflect its real meaning and interpretation. The timestamp is based on the latest time stamp in the Thing shadow reported state, but excluding connection_status since it can be set by LWT (Last Will and Testament) and therefore is unreliable.

  • This means we introduce a minor change too: We exclude updates to the desired state when doing the timestamp calculation for “Last update”.

We hope “Last update” will be clearer to all users and an overall UX improvement.

Technical documentation available online

All technical documentation for Managed IoT Cloud, including API specifications, Release Notes, and Getting Started Guides, are available online:

Patch Release 2.60.1

An issue related to the Permissions release was identified and a patch resolving it was deployed on 2020-10-14. The issue resulted in users not being displayed on the Users page under certain circumstances.

Patch Release 2.60.2

Two issues in App Board was identified and a patch resolving these was deployed on 2020-10-19:

  • Maps in App Board not being displayed properly.
  • Assigning a role to a Pending user on the Users page in App Board.


Permissions updates

After the launch of Permissions in version 2.61 we have improved both usability and documentation of the new capability.

One of the items in the known limitations list have been solved, below described as it reads in the Permissions Guide.

  • Some endpoints and actions in the Cloud REST API documentation miss clear specification on what Privileges are needed. This includes optional Privileges on some endpoints.

The Permissions guide will be updated to reflect the above.

In addition the following updates and bug fixes are included in the release:

  • Updated documentation in the Permissions API clarifying that updating the domainId of the privilege is not allowed.
  • Updated the configuration of StorageRetention Privilege in App Board to not include any domain selection (since this Privilege has no relation to domain).
  • Fixed issue with sorting order of Roles and Privileges. The Roles and Privileges listings are now alphanumeric sort with no concern taken to casing.
  • Fixed issue in Role detail page. Adding a user by searching and quickly hitting return could under certain circumstances leave you with a blank screen.
  • A few minor UX updates to the App Board Roles section

Documentation on Permissions

Further Permissions capabilities will be added

Permissions will be extended with more capabilities over time, both by tackling known limitations and adding new capabilities. Please get in touch should you miss any specific capability.

Minor improvements and corrections

Minor enhancements and bug fixes are delivered by the new release, including:

  • Fixed time-out issue in the Thing Type list under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed issue in Thing Type Management under Settings. When clicking cancel on the resource details page, nothing happened. Now you come back to the resource listing as expected.
  • Fixed issue in Thing Type modal where multiple Thing Types where created if user clicked SAVE button really fast multiple times.
  • Fixed issue with mouse-over in the dynamic widget configuration.
  • Fixed issue with wrong font in widget edit under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed issue is the drop-down menus where clicking the scrollbar closed the menu.
  • The deprecated MQTT endpoint is removed from App Board About dialogue and documentation.
  • Fixed issues with old manifest URL being present in some documentation.