Version 2.85 (2022-05-24)

Important notices

Technical documentation available online

All technical documentation for Managed IoT Cloud, including API specifications, Release Notes, and Getting Started guides, are available online: Tutorials and further guidance can also be found at

Release specific feedback can be raised in the forum


Permission updates

A known limitation in the permissions feature has been solved, below described as it reads in the Permissions Guide.

  • The Permissions API has some inconsistency in error messages delivered to the client, making it hard to understand what actually is wrong. This also applies to App Board messages.

The Permissions guide will be updated to reflect the improvement Known limitations.

Support for LoRa WAN connectivity discontinued

We are now discontinuing support for LoRa in IoT Cloud. Should you have questions or a potential use case involving LoRa WAN, please get in contact.

Minor improvements and corrections

  • Added ability to create and move Things into a domain where the domain name contains characters other than a-z A-Z 0-9 or _.,@/:#- .
  • App Board: To align wording and create more clarity, Thing Name is changed to Thing Label in create Network Thing, Edit Rule modal as well as data picker modal for Analyzer.