Version 2.6 (2016-11-09)


Thing Summary

The Thing bar at the top in Thing Dashboard has been made expandable/collapsible. Once expanded, extensive information about the Thing is displayed. The information includes Thing Name, Domain, Description, but also Telenor Connexion “convention” information reported from the Thing is displayed if available: IP Address, SIM Card IMSI Number, IMEI Number, ICC ID Number and Firmware version. At the bottom of the summary, time and date for when the Thing was last heard from is displayed together with the date when the Thing was created.

A picture of the Thing can also be displayed if uploaded by the user – for example, a picture of this specific Thing in use/action can be taken and uploaded instantly from the mobile phone.

The Thing Summary is automatically populated with known information and not editable in terms of content (except for the Picture, Thing Name and Thing Description). The summary is always available on the Thing Dashboard, regardless of View Mode.

User Management enhancements

The user management section has been enhanced. The list now contains 2 more columns: email and role. Capabilities added include search on user name, domain and email, sorting on any column, pagination if more than 10 users and multiple delete of users.

Script field type for Thing Type custom fields

In addition to the existing text and number field types, script field type is now added. With the script field type we enable input of snippets of program code, targeting for example advanced encoding functions for sensor data reported from Things.

Other powerful use cases involve storing snippets of code per thing type that are executed as part of external workflows, such as web-hook receivers. Although the “text” field type could be used for storing such snippets, editing code in the small text field is rather cumbersome. The new script type improves the user experience by activating a larger input field and editing capabilities typically found in IDE’s (“integrated development environment”) such as syntax highlighting and automatic indentation.

Minor improvements and corrections

Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes are delivered by the new release, including:

  • Forms in App Board has been improved in terms of performance, especially when editing form data
  • Pie charts now clearly state start and end of each interval
  • Branding – Improved user experience when editing the login page text fields
  • Analysis exports now has support for Sub-things and UTC time, and the file name is more informative
  • Checkboxes/legend in Analyze now use more colors to improve readability
  • Fixed issue when deleting a Sub-thing
  • Fixed issue with time stamp Last Updated on both Thing Dashboard and Sub-thing Dashboard
  • Fixed issue with very long numbers not being fully displayed in value widgets
  • Fixed issue with New Events counter in top menu not being cleared under certain conditions
  • Fixed issue with Event widget not displaying any Events under certain conditions
  • Fixed issue with displaying of data for Sub-things in time series and table widgets