Version 2.7 (2016-11-30)


LoRaWAN support

We have added support for LoRaWAN by adding a LoRa Mediator. This allows users of Cloud Connect to provision and communicate with LoRa devices in a seamless way, driven by Cloud Connect App Board and APIs.

Through the App Board (or the Cloud API) a user can manage the LoRaWAN including signup of users, application and mote provisioning, encoder functions, dashboards, rule configuration, analytics, etc.

The LoRa Mediator acts as a bridge between a LoRaWAN network and the Cloud Connect MQTT broker. It enables bi-directional messaging between a mote and Cloud Connect.

  • LoRa application IDs are mapped to Cloud Connect Thing Types
  • LoRa motes are mapped to Cloud Connect Things

Since version 2.6, Cloud Connect supports script field type for Thing Types. This is used for payload encoding, i.e. translating the LoRaWAN byte buffers <=> JSON documents that can be interpreted automatically by Cloud Connect giving a seamless experience visualizing the sensor data in dashboards widgets.

Analyze improvements

Saving an analysis is now done to the current user profile, meaning it can be picked up on any other screen. Typical use case is a user creating the analysis on the PC and later wants to pick it up while in the field with a tablet or a large screen phone.

The saved analyses are found in the My Analyses list. Editing an existing analysis and then saving it again with the same name overwrites the old analysis. Saving with a new name creates a copy.

Other improvements to the My Analyses list

  • Possible to sort on the columns Name and Date Modified (with arrows indicating direction)
  • Pagination
  • Search for Analysis by name

Minor improvements and corrections

Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes are delivered by the new release, including:

  • Fixed issue with count not being reset for a Rule when Rule is updated.
  • Fixed issue with a newly created widget under certain conditions not being saved to the View Mode
  • Fixed issue with Branding preview not working fully in IE 11