Version 2.2 (2016-06-22) #


Rules and Events#

The GUI for creating and maintaining Rules has been improved and capability to send notifications via email has been added.

When a Rule is triggered, an Event is registered in the Cloud Connect platform. Events can be viewed and managed in a new user interface accessible from the main menu.

When configuring a Rule, the text and priority for the resulting Event can be edited and the Event can be specified as requiring action by the user.

Domain custom fields support in Value widget#

The Value widget type now supports displaying domain custom fields in dashboards.

Support for backdating observations#

Capability has been added to allow “backdated” observations to be inserted using the API. This allows a Thing application developer to send observations in batch at some point in time, and still maintain proper time stamps for each observation individually, independently of when the observation was registered in the cloud environment.

Automated operational routines#

Routines related to the build and deployment processes employed for release upgrades has been automated to safeguard reliable production environments.

Minor improvements and corrections#

Numerous minor enhancements and bug fixes are delivered by the new release, including:

  • Fixed issue with spaces in Thing Type names
  • Performance improvements
  • Added alphabetical sorting for Thing Types
  • A confirmation modal is now displayed before replacing a certificate
  • Increased test coverage of automated tests
  • Usability and user interface improvements
  • Improved usability of the map and pie chart widgets in the Thing Type overview dashboard