Nested Resources

Nested resource is a concept where a thing can send nested resources that represents things that don’t have their own certificates and MQTT-connections. These nested resources get special visualizations in App Board.

There are two different types of nested resources:

Untyped nested resources

An untyped nested resource is just a collection of resources and all of these are visualized in one dashboard in App Board. You can create multiple nested resources that are untyped but they will share the dashboard visualization.

Example payload to create two untyped nested resource

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "nestedresource1": {
        "resource3": 11,
        "resource4": 98
      "nestedresource2": {
        "resource3": 22,
        "resource4": 99

Typed nested resource

Typed nested resources works the same way as untyped nested resources but have a type. This means that each type get their own dashboard visualization.

Example payload to create two typed nested resource

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "nestedresource3": {
        "type": "pump"
        "flow": 11
      "nestedresource4": {
        "type": "fan",
        "speed": 30